Flower Workshop

Iittala x Yoko Negi Flower Workshop in Japanese 

Iittala x Yoko Negi 日本語によるフラワーワークショップ

To get ready for the upcoming Christmas season, Iittala is hosting a flower arranging workshop in Japanese with floral stylist Yoko Negi in Amsterdam, NL and Antwerp, BE! Create a festive holiday-inspired bouquet with fresh, seasonal flowers in an iconic Aalto vase. All participants will receive the gift of an Iittala vase and 1 hour of exclusive shopping in the Iittala store, adjacent to the workshop.


Workshop details*

Costs per person: 95 EUR including the Iittala vase, materials, tea and coffee

Language: Japanese



Date: Sunday November 5th

Time: 11:00-12:30

Address: Korte Gasthuisstraat 24

For questions: shop.denhaag@iittala.com



Date: Thursday November 9th

Time: 18:00 - 19:30

Address: Van Baerlestraat 76

For questions:  shop.amsterdam@iittala.com


Yoko Negi is a Japanese floral stylist currently based in Rotterdam, after many years of flower experience in Paris. She makes beautiful and unique flower decorations for shops, showrooms, editorials and weddings. She also regularly organizes inspiring flower workshops in Paris, Tokyo and Rotterdam. Her clientele extends worldwide as French legacy brand Louis Vuitton, Dior, Maison Trudon and others.


Spots are limited (15 participants) per location so be quick to sign up!

*A minimum of 10 participants per location will be required for the workshop to take place


Click here to sign up


Please find the privacy notice and data subject consent at the end of this page. 




Iittala x Yoko Negi 日本語によるフラワーワークショップ


来たるクリスマスシーズンに向けて、イッタラはフラワースタイリストの根木葉子氏による日本語でのフラワーアレンジメントワークショップをオランダのアムステルダムとベルギーのアントワープで開催致します。アイコニックなアアルトの花瓶に新鮮な季節の花を挿して、クリスマスや冬のホリデーシーズンをイメージしたブーケを作りましょう。参加者全員にイッタラの花瓶のギフトと、ワークショップと同時にイッタラ ストアでの 1 時間のプライベートショッピングをお楽しみいただけます。



お一人様あたりの参加費: 95 ユーロ (Iittalaの花器 材料費、紅茶、コーヒー込み)

言語: 日本語


Iittala アントワープ



住所: Korte Gasthuisstraat 24

お問い合わせ: shop.antwerpen@iittala.com


Iittala アムステルダム



住所: Van Baerlestraat 76

お問い合わせ: shop.amasterdam@iittala.com


根木葉子氏は、長年に渡るパリでの装花経験を経て、現在はロッテルダムを拠点とする日本人フラワースタイリスト。ショップ、ショールーム、雑誌や広告撮影、ウェディングなどの美しくもユニークな花の装飾を手掛けています。また、その独特の世界観でパリ、東京、ロッテルダムで想像力を掻き立てられるような花のワークショップを定期的に開催。フランスの老舗ブランドであるルイ・ヴィトン、ディオール、メゾン トゥルドン他など、ワールドワイドな顧客より装花を依頼されている。









Workshop participation – privacy notice and data subject consent


Your personal data (name and e-mail address), as a participant in the workshop, is processed by Fiskars Group to register my participation in the workshops taking place in our Iittala stores in November 2023 in order to share additional communication regarding workshop (logistics or adjustments), payment details and to collect and manage your consent.


Within the purpose mentioned above, your personal data, as a participant in the workshop, will be securely stored for a limited period of time (1 year from the date of the workshop).


For more details regarding my personal data processing I hereby acknowledge that I have been informed about the Fiskars Group’s consumer privacy policy.


The consent of the data subject for data processing


By submitting this form I give consent to the following processing operations of my personal data as a participant in the workshop in accordance with art. 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation, as follows:


my name and e-mail address to register my participation in the workshops taking place in our Iittala stores in November 2023 in order to share additional communication regarding workshop (logistics or adjustments), payment details and to collect and manage your consent.;


You may at any time withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data by sending us an e-mail to consumerservice.netherlands@fiskars.com. If your consent is withdrawn, it does not prevent us from processing your personal data based on other lawful bases, such as for requirements set forth for us under applicable laws. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing performed prior to the withdrawal.